Encrypting parts of a Word document

These instructions cover how to encrypt parts of a document in Word. This means that different recipients will be able to decrypt the different parts of the document. If you want to allow all recipients to decrypt the entire contents of a document, see
Encrypting an entire Word document
Encrypting an entire Word document
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  1. Create or open a Word document that you want to protect, open the Confidencial task pane, and log in if you have not already done so
    1. notion image
  1. Click Encrypt Selection under the Settings menu (gear icon) of the Confidencial task pane
    1. notion image
  1. Select content in your Word document that you want to protect
    1. notion image
  1. Choose the recipients for whom you want to protect the selected content
    1. notion image
      Note that you are automatically added as a recipient, so you will always be to view any content that you protect
  1. Click Encrypt Selection
    1. notion image
The selected content is now protected for your chosen recipients. Repeat Steps 3 - 5 to protect other parts of your document.
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