Creating a Confidencial individual account

These instructions show you how to create an individual account with Confidencial. Individual accounts should be used by individuals for personal use and small teams that do not have a Confidencial organization. Employees at companies with Confidencial organizations should use organization accounts. Organization accounts are typically created and administered by an IT administrator within the company.
There are two primary ways to create an individual account with Confidencial. You can register an account by accepting an invitation from another Confidencial user or you can create an account without an invitation.

Accepting an invitation to create a Confidencial individual account

  1. If you have received an invitation to join Confidencial with an individual account, you will receive an email with a link to start the registration process. Click Click here to get started to start account registration.
    1. notion image
  1. After you click the registration link, enter a password and click Continue to create a dedicated Confidencial account or click Continue with Google or Continue with Microsoft to create an account based on an existing Google or Microsoft account, respectively
    1. notion image
  1. If prompted, provide consent to Confidencial to access certain information from your Google or Microsoft account. Confidencial requires information such as your email address and name to allow other users to find you and encrypt information for you.
This completes creation of a new individual account with Confidencial. You will now be taken to Confidencial’s web app. If creating an account using Google or Microsoft, you may first be required to log in.
After your first login, you will be asked to generate keys to be used for encryption

Creating a Confidencial individual account without an invitation

  1. Go to
  1. Click Sign Up
    1. notion image
  1. Enter your email address and create a password and click Continue to create a dedicated Confidencial account or click Continue with Google or Continue with Microsoft to create an account based on an existing Google or Microsoft account, respectively
    1. notion image
  1. Depending on how you chose to create an account, you may be asked to verify your email. If you are asked to verify your email, you will receive a verification email. Follow the instructions in that email to continue creating your account.
    1. Note: Depending on how you chose to create an account, your verification process may differ. For example, you may be sent a numeric verification code that you will be asked to enter before finalizing your account.
      Note: Depending on how you chose to create an account, your verification process may differ. For example, you may be sent a numeric verification code that you will be asked to enter before finalizing your account.
      An example email verification message. Note this message may instead contain a numeric verification code that you will need to enter, depending on how you chose to create your account.
      An example email verification message. Note this message may instead contain a numeric verification code that you will need to enter, depending on how you chose to create your account.
Once your email address has been verified, you will be able to log in to Confidencial’s web app.
After your first login, you will be asked to generate keys to be used for encryption