Decrypting a .c11 file or file bundle
These instructions show you how to decrypt a Confidencial-protected file. Individual files that are protected with Confidencial’s desktop or web app (and are not natively-supported) typically ends with a “.c11” file extension, while a file bundle (that contains multiple Confidencial-protected files) typically ends with a “” extension.
Start by going to and logging in.
- Drag and drop the Confidencial protected file into the encryption box or click choose files and select the file in the Encryption Tools page
- Click Decrypt
- If the protected (encrypted) file is a .c11 file, you can save an unprotected (decrypted) version of the file by clicking Save File. If the protected file is a file (a file bundle), clicking Save File will allow you to save a zip file containing unprotected versions of each file within the bundle.
The completes decryption of Confidencial-protected files. These unprotected files are now available to be opened in their native viewers/editors.
Following use (viewing and/or editing), it is strongly recommended to re-encrypt the unprotected file(s) and permanently remove (delete + empty trash) the unprotected versions from your disk