Decrypting a .c11 file or file bundle

These instructions show you how to decrypt a Confidencial-protected file. Individual files that are protected with Confidencial’s desktop or web app (and are not natively-supported) typically ends with a “.c11” file extension, while a file bundle (that contains multiple Confidencial-protected files) typically ends with a “” extension.
Start by going to and logging in.
  1. Drag and drop the Confidencial protected file into the encryption box or click choose files and select the file in the Encryption Tools page
    1. notion image
  1. Click Decrypt
    1. notion image
  1. If the protected (encrypted) file is a .c11 file, you can save an unprotected (decrypted) version of the file by clicking Save File. If the protected file is a file (a file bundle), clicking Save File will allow you to save a zip file containing unprotected versions of each file within the bundle.
    1. notion image
The completes decryption of Confidencial-protected files. These unprotected files are now available to be opened in their native viewers/editors.
Following use (viewing and/or editing), it is strongly recommended to re-encrypt the unprotected file(s) and permanently remove (delete + empty trash) the unprotected versions from your disk